Identification Guide
Applying for a property
Identification Guide provides a detailed guideline on how to prepare for your documents when applying for property.
Primary Documents
You must provide either: One primary document Or At least one secondary document that includes a photograph. Primary documents worth 70 points and include:
- Australian birth certificate (not an extract) or birth card
- Australian citizenship certificate
- Australian Passport (current or expired within the last two years)
- International Passport (current)
Secondary Documents
Your initial document from this group will be awarded 40 points:
- Australian driver licence or learners permit (current)
- Australian photo firearms licence · State or federal government employee identity
- Centerlink or social security card (current)
- Department of veterans affairs card
- Tertiary education institution photo identity
Secondary Documents Continued
All documents in this group will attach 25 points. Only one card from each institution may be counted:
- Australian driver licence or learners permit (current)
- Australian photo firearms licence
- State or federal government employee identity
- Centerlink or social security card (current)
- Department of veterans affairs card
- Tertiary education institution photo identity
- Proof of age card
Secondary Documents Continued
All documents in this group will attach 25 points. Only one card from each institution may be counted:
- Medicare card · Property lease/ rental agreement
- Council rate notice · Property insurance papers
- A utility bill · Motor vehicle registration/ insurance
- Professional or trade association card
- A financial institution debit/ credit card
- A financial institution passbook/ statement
- Working with children card